发布时间:2022-05-13 18:03:44
Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or shouldgovernments spend more money on improving public transportation 【buses, trains, subways】?Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways or on improving publictransportations? There seems to be a difficult problem since many reasons should be involved.
However, after carefully pondering it, I buttress the last one, spending the money on improvingpublic transportation. The reasons are presented below:
There is no denying that improving the public transportation will surely alleviate the pollutiongiven off by enormous cars. If a city has not a developed public transportation, the air will bepolluted more heavily. What a dirty environment we will live in! Every day breathing into the airfilled with the flour of the gasoline, seeing the sky with the dull color will be the title of our life.
So the essence of environment has been realized by an increasingly number of people, to thegovernments, the protection of environment is especially an undeniable mission.
Another reason I agree with it is that developed public transportation will decrease the frequencyof the traffic jams. Perhaps no worse word than “traffic jams” exists, to the businessmen whobelieve in “Time is money”. Traffic jams not only cost the people time and expense, but alsocreate a bad mood for work. It greatly decreases the efficiency of the whole city. I imagine howcan a city whose avenue full of traffic jams develop its economics?
Finally, I want to say that improving the public transportation provide a great number of ways oftransportation for most of the poor people who can not afford to buy a car. It is known that ourcitizens is not made of only people who has the ability to own a car, but the very poor people arealso included. I believe that however the technology is improved, the public apparatus should notbe ignored, because it serves the people all over the city.
Nevertheless, the private transportation has its own advantages, for instance, it can save a lot oftime in some cases, provide some convenience for people. But improving on roads and highwaysis advantageous only conditionally. Based on the above discussion, I agree with the opinion thatthe government should spend money on improving public transportation not only it can protectenvironment and save time for people, but it also can create a convenient environment for all thecitizens.
We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion,what are some important characteristics of a co-worker 【someone you work closely with】? Usereasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
We spend more time with our co-workers during a week than we do with our family. Thus, it'simportant for our co-workers to be people we can get along with. I've worked in a lot of offices,and I've found there are certain characteristics that all good co-workers have in common.
A good co-worker is very cooperative. She does her best to get along with others. She tries tokeep her end of things flowing smoothly to help others in the office. She realizes that if one persondoesn't get her work done, it can hold up everyone else. She has a positive attitude that creates apleasant working environment.
A good co-worker is adaptable. She is not stubborn about changes in schedules or routines, anddoesn't object to having her job description revised. That can make life miserable for everyonearound her. A good co-worker is willing to change her schedule to accommodate another worker'semergency. She has no problem with new procedures and welcomes changes when they come.
A good co-worker is helpful. She pitches in when someone falls behind in his or her work. She'swilling to do whatever it takes to get the job done. She doesn't keep track of how often she has tofinish another's work or take on extra work. Some co-workers do their own job, period. They haveno sense of office community. They only want to do their work, get paid and go home.
A good co-worker is a sympathetic listener, and never uses what she learns against people. Shedoesn't gossip. A bad co-worker uses negative rumors to take advantage of others.
Being a good co-worker isn't too hard, but some people just can't seem to manage it. Wouldn't itbe a wonderful world if everyone could?
It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood.Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support youranswer.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of establishing a shopping mall in our neighborhood.
I am worried about traffic and how it will affect our community. However, I believe it will benefitlocal business and increase appreciations for local area. All in all, I think it is a good idea.
For those what I am worried about, traffic congestion and parking problem are obverse. First ofall, traffic congestion is always a concern when building something new. Our streets are narrow,with parking on both sides. A shopping center will certainly bring more traffic than ever before,and heavy traffic means big congestion. At the same time, parking is also a problem in this area.
There are few garages attached to houses. Most of residents depend on finding spaces on thestreet for parking. If a shopping mall is build, we must compete with customers and patrons forthose parking spaces. Furthermore, if the shopping center offers valet parking service, it would beeven worse because valet parking works in terms to grab every possible spaces available in street.
On the other hand, building up a shopping center will give this neighborhood more opportunitiesand benefits. Residents in this area could certainly take the job that shopping center offers. Peoplewould earn more money and spend on other business, such as entertainment and education, whichare operating in our neighborhood or adjacent communities. As a result, not only local businessbut also inter-community business boosts up and a prodigious amount of fortune will beaccumulated to our neighborhood. A shopping center can also attract people to visit ourcommunity. When they drive to the shopping center, they will see what a nice place this area is tolive. Therefore, we would have an increasing number of residents in the next couple of years. It isvery important to introduce new numbers because we have lost many residents to suburbs duringrecent years.
In a short, there are several details to consider when planning a shopping center. In my part, Isupport to have a new shopping center in my community because its advantages outweighdisadvantages.
Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughouttheir lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer:staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples tosupport your opinion.
Even though I have lived in the same house, in the same neighborhood, in the same city my entirelife, I know I would be happy living in a variety of places. Moving would expose me to newpeople, new weather, and new housing.
Even if I were to move to another part of my city, I would encounter new people. Eachneighborhood has a distinct personality. When I move to that neighborhood, I would meet theshopkeepers and residents that shape that personality. I may even adopt part of their manner asmy own so I could be recognized as part of that community.
If I want to encounter different weather patterns, I would have to move beyond my city. Where Ilive now, it is the same temperature all year. I would like to go to a place where there are fourseasons so I can experience really cold temperatures. I would like to walk in the snow and perhapsgo skiing. I could learn winter sports if I lived in the north.
Now, of course, I live with my parents in their home. It is a one story house built around acourtyard where our family spends a lot of time. If I were to move, I would like to live in an apartment on a very high floor so I could see all around me. I could also meet my neighbors in the elevator and we could get together for coffee in my apartment.
The more I move the more I would experience change. I would meet new people in everyplace Ilived; I could move to sample countries with four seasons or even a continent like Antarcticawhich only has two. Wherever I lived, I would experience living in housing particular to that area.I would then be a citizen of the world, wouldn't I? Could you call me a foreigner if I calledeveryplace my home?
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