发布时间:2022-05-13 18:05:39
托福口语第二题考试时间安排是这样的:准备时间15秒,口语答题时间45秒。题目内容以生活类为主【媒体类、教育类、环境类、抽象类、工作类、休闲娱乐类、生活类、地点类等都包含】,较为简单。学生只需回答听到的问题即可,题型与task 1类似。但托福口语第二题不是单纯的就一个话题进行论述,而是给出两种观点,考生要发表自己的看法。
四、托福口语考试思路形成需多练。task 2短短的15秒准备后开始说话。整段回答内容必须由头有尾,个人观点清晰,且论证充分。需要我们有较好的英语基础,多练习。
1. Some people like to go to college immediately after graduation while others prefer to have a one-year break to learn something or do something they like. Which doyou prefer?
Answer: Well, I personally prefer to have a break before getting into college as I think, first of all, to know what I’m interested in and what I’m looking for is of great significance.I mean, to me to know what I like to learn in college is not that easy as I don’t experience much during school. Only by experiencing more out of class can I find my real interest. More importantly, it’s a good chance to get a part-time job to save me some money on my tuition fee in college, so I’m able to have a quite easy budget. So to me to have a break before college is more preferable.
2. Some people like to have abreak or get a job during summer vacation. Others think it is better to take aclass. Which do you prefer and why?
Answer: To me, I’d say I would have a break or get a job during summervacation. I think the essence of summer vacation is to allow us to have arelaxation after a term-long devotion to study and therefore refresh andrecharge us to get ready for a new semester; otherwise we will consume too muchenergy. What’s more, summer vacation serves as a great opportunity to allow usto have a travel with friends or family so as to enhance our socialrelationship, or to get a job whether in relation to our major or not so thatwe are able to expand our experience.
3. Somestudents prefer to study alone while others prefer to study in group. Which doyou prefer?
Answer: Well, I think that depends on what kind of work I’m doing. Buton most occasions I’d like to study alone. First of all, I think everyone hasown ideas about a task. It’s great to learn from others’ ideas and experience,but personally I am easy to be affected by others’ thoughts or whatever. Iprefer to learn individually since I can hold on my opinion about a question ora task and later discuss with my classmates. Secondly, when I study I have tomake sure that I a hundred percent focus on my work so I’m able to think deeplyand ensure my study efficiency; otherwise I probably would not have asatisfying learning result.
4. Somepeople think the first impression is important when making friends while othersthink it’s more important to know each other over time. What do you think?
Answer: Well, I think to know each other over time is more importantwhen making friends. Firstly, most people won’t show their real personality tostrangers at first encounter nowadays. So the first impression is not asreliable as it was before. What we see and what we hear are probably not whatpeople really want to express, or probably what they pretend to express. Onlyby interacting with people more often later can we get to know them more clearly.What’s more, many people make friends by exploiting common interests, and Ithink they can get to know each other more deeply through long-terminteraction. So that’s why I’d say to know each other over time is moreimportant when making friends.
5. Some students think maths is more important while others think art and history are more important. What do you think?
Answer: Personally, I think art and history are more important to learn because firstly, learning art allows students to exploit their interests and cultivate their temperament. I would never know that I’m good at making sculptures if my school didn’t open sculpture class. What’s more, learning history is of great significance to sharpen students’ analytical skill and critical thinking. Only by drawing experience from history can we move forward without making same mistakes.
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