发布时间:2022-05-13 18:07:37
常用词汇:acquaintance, affectionate, amicable, caring, considerate, emotional, enthusiastic, expressive, favorite, frank, friendly, generous, gentle, helpful, honest, humorous, ideal, intimate, kind, patient, reunion, sociable, sympathetic, talkative, thoughtful, trustworthy, etc.
常用短语:a shoulder to cry on, an easy-going person, ask for help, be an understanding person, be friendly with
be on intimate terms with sb., be well-acquainted with, broad-minded, cheer sb. up, for the sake of friendship, have a bosom friend, have a large circle of acquaintances, help sb. out, keep friendly relations.
keep/lose contact with, make friends with, reach an understanding, seek common ground while reserving differences, t urn to one’s friend when in difficulty, understand each other, warm-hearted, etc.
1. a friend in need is a friend indeed.
2. what does friendship mean to you?
3. what kind of people do you make friend with?
4. why do you think friendship important to you?
5. what is the basis of friendship?
On science and good life
There is probably no limit to what science can do in the way of increasing positive excellence. Health has already been greatly improved; in spite of the lamentations of those who idealize the past, we live longer and have fewer illnesses than any class or nation in the eighteenth century. With a little more application of the knowledge we already possess, we might be much healthier than we are. And future discoveries are likely to accelerate this process enormously.
So far, it has been physical science that has had most effect upon our lives, but in the future physiology and psychology are likely to be far more potent. When we have discovered how character depends upon physiological conditions, we shall be able, if we choose, to produce far more of the type of human beings that we admire. Intelligence, artistic capacity, benevolence—all these things no doubt could be increased by science. There seems scarcely any limit to what could be done in the way of producing a good world, if only men would use science wisely.
There is a certain attitude about the application of science to human life with which I have some sympathy, though I do not, in the last analysis, agree with it. It is the attitude of those who dread what is ‘unnatural.’ Rousseau is, of course, the great protagonist of the view in Europe. In Asia, Lao-Tze has set it forth even more persuasively, and 2400 years sooner. I think there is a mixture of truth and falsehood in the admiration of ‘nature, which it is important to disentangle. To begin with, what is ‘natural?’ Roughly speaking, anything to which the speaker was accustomed in childhood. Lao-Tze objects to roads and carriages and boats, all of which were probably unknown in the village where he was born
关于科学应用到人生这个问题,存在着一种观点,对这种观点,我有些同感,但是最后分析起来,我是不能同意的。 它是那些害怕‘不自然的’东西的人所持有的观点。当然,卢梭是欧洲这一观点的伟大创始人。在亚洲,老子对这一观点的阐述,更是动人心弦,而且要早两千四百年。我认为,他们对于‘自然’的赞美,不过是真理与谬误的混合物,而理清这一问题是很重要的。首先要问,什么东西是‘自然的?’泛泛说来,是说话者幼年时所习惯的东西。老子反对车道和舟车,这恐怕是他所出生的那个村子不知车道和舟车为何物的缘故。
Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.
The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.
Do you think all the news is true?
Not all the news is true. Broadsheet newspapers sometimes dig for information and twist its importance for political purposes. And news in tabloids is more sensational and contains more half-truth and biased opinions. The problem is that people everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.
Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.
Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, particularly if the goods are worthless.