发布时间:2022-05-13 18:08:47
Format of Task 5:
Listen to a conversation:
* 可能的人物身份组合:
组合1:a male student----------------a female student 【最多】
组合2:a student ----------------a professor
组合3: a student -----------------------a university staff or worker
组合4:a male professor----------------a female professor
问题2. 谁有困难?
问题3. 什么困难?【困难的类型】
1. time or schedule conflict------------------- 25.00%
2. paper problem-------------------------------- 14.47%
3. Course Registration Problem--------------- 13.16%
4. Dorm Problem-------------------------------- 9.21%
5. Car Problem --------------------- ---------- 9.21%
In this listening material, the woman 【man】 has a problem, which is. The man 【woman】 gives him 【her】 two suggestions. One is . The other one is. As far as I am concerned, I thinkis better. First, because . Second.
策略二、权衡两个可能的方案的利弊: 只要凑够2个好处即可!
①. 趋己方2利【时间冲突:两全齐美——两好事同时进行】
②. 避对方2害
③. 先趋己方1利后避对方1害
④. 先避对方1害后趋己方1利
2015托福口语Task 5 常考话题 “时间冲突类“
Problem and Solution是经典的task 5的题型, 来看一看2015年当中都有哪些常考话题,The man in the conversation has a problem that he has an appointment at the dentist, but at the same time he also has a study group for his French class,这是很典型的时间冲突题目,他要学习法语课程,但同时和牙医有一个appointment,所以两个事件的时间冲突是非常典型的task 5中的话题。再看一题Agree to help her friends with her chemistry test that night, but forgot there’s a school play she has to see,他答应了要帮朋友准备化学考试, 但是同样地他希望去看学校的一个表演,这也是一个时间冲突类题目,在这样的话题当中的 solution 1&2 就会问你觉得哪一个选择更好? 再看一题The woman’s problem is that she got injured last week and she can’t perform in the dance. The first one is to dance anyway and the second solution is to find someone to replace her,同学们如果你有熟悉TPO的话,这道题就是来自TPO5,不完全一样但是非常的相似,所以在2016年你备考的时候,认真地去做TPO练习,熟悉里面的相关的单词,也会对你的做答很有帮助。
2015托福口语Task 6常考话题 “学术讲座“
看最后一道题Academic Lecture,还是关于学术性类型的大讲座,和第四题不同的是,第六题的Academic Lecture是全听力的,对你的听力要求比较高,53%的题材来自于biology,关于动植物的最多,比如How animals store food during winter动物是怎么样在冬天的时候保存食物,或者How animals determine their status动物怎么样决定谁的地位更高一些,How birds in the desert cool themselves在沙漠里的一些鸟类遇到特别炎热的时候他们怎样让自己凉爽下来。这些题目都属于biology类,2015年也都曾经考到了,在2016年biology题目同样会占据这样大的比例,所以同学们一定要多多的pay attention,好好去复习TPO里面biology相关的这个部分。Task 6中第二个重点就是来自于phycology,它占的比例虽然没有biology多,但也是Task 6中第二常考的话题。还有一些比如说sociology, marketing, history的话题也是在task 6中很常见的。
Task 5部分的题目是关于校园场景类的话题。是测试考生听懂、记录、归纳、转述对话中与学生有关的困难和解决方案,并发表、支持考生自己见解的能力。
Task 5首先是一个听力对话,其中一个人遇到麻烦或者困难,不知道怎么办。另外一个人提出两种解决方案,每一个方案都有优势和不足之处。
Task 5考试中,有的同学只把注意力放在把自己准备过的答案上,一字不差背出来,或者把记下来的笔记拼凑在一起念出来。
1. 那在听力时,听不懂怎么办?我们如何抓住听力中的答题要点和关键信息呢?
2. 怎样的答题框架能成就高分口语?
3. 什么是标准的发音语调?
1.In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealingwith the problem that …。 And the woman/man offers him/ her two possible solutions. One is…… The other is …。 And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because……”
2.In the conversation, the man/woman has a problem with his/her schedule/report/essay /study【听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题】
He or she couldn’t get/check out/afford...【问题具体化】
He/she needs to...So, the woman/man/professor/officer offers him/her two solutions/options
The first solution/option is【概括,不用具体化】
Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is【概括,不用具体化】
And from my point of view/As for me, the second choice is preferable for the following reasons/the best way to solve this problem is :
【自己的建议】First, the woman may confront the same problem in the future, it’s better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiences. Also, I have once faced the same situation as the woman does, and I ...【这么干的】, it works well pretty well for me.
Briefly summarize the woman’s problem then state which solution you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
The woman’s problem is that she needs to play the violin in a big concert, but she’s hurt her arm. There are two possible solutions, the first one is to try to play anyway. The other solution is to get Jim to replace her and play in the concert. I think the first is better, because that way she won’t let the other group members down, and the doctor said her wrist should be feeling better by then. Also, she says in the conversation that Jim is not reliable. If he’s always late for the rehearsals, that’ll compromise the whole performance. And that’s unfair to the other group members who have been practicing for weeks.
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