发布时间:2022-05-13 18:08:59
1 OG:green Icebergs
2 TPO 15:Glacier Formation
3 TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages
1 OG:Geology and Landscape
2 TPO 01:Groundwater
3 TPO 02:Desert Formation
4 TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer
5 TPO 07:The Geologic History ofThe Mediterranean
6 TPO 12:Water in The Desert
7 TPO 20:Fossil Preservation
8 TPO 21:Geothermal Energy
9 TPO 24:Lake Water
10 TPO 28-1:Groundwater
11 TPO 27-2:The Formation ofVolcanic Islands
1 TPO 08:Running Water On Mars
2 TPO 25:The Surface of Mars
1 TPO 16:Planets in Our SolarSystem
2 TPO 22:The Allende Meteorite
1 Sample:Opportunity andCompetitors
2 TPO 01:Timberline Vegetation onMountains
3 TPO 05:Minerals and Plants
4 TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii
5 TPO 22:Spartina
6 TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants
7 TPO 32:Plant Colonization
1. paleoanthropologist 古人类学家
2. ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家
3. psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家
4. origin 起源
If it's possible, track the rumour back to its origin. 如果可能,应追查谣言的源头。
5. originate 起源于
Many species, for example, originate in small populations. 例如, 不少生物种就起源于一个很小的群体.
6. ancestor 祖先
.This machine is the ancestor of the modern computer. 这台机器是现代电脑的始祖.
7. hominid 人【科】
8. homogeneous 同一种族【种类】的
Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable. 教育学家设法将学生按相近的能力分班,因为他们认为这种按同等水平划分班级的做法是明智的.
9. tribe 部落
His intercession could be of help to the tribe.
10. clan 氏族
The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan. 所以, 中国的基督徒简直是被逐出了自己的家族了.
11. archeologist 考古学家
The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs. 考古学家追踪象形文字.
12. excavation 挖掘
The excavation of the buried city took a long time. 发掘埋在地下的城市花了很长时间.
13. excavate 【unearth】 挖掘
They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations. 他们计划打地基前先挖个大洞.
14. ruins 遗迹,废墟
The Normans built the castle which was reduced to ruins under Cromwell. 诺曼人建造了这座后来在克伦威尔统治时期变成废墟的城堡。
15. remains 遗迹,遗骸
There had not a vestige of the abbey remains.
16. artifact 手工艺品
17. relic 遗物,文物
The relics are credited with miraculous powers. 机器发音
18. antique 古物,古董
19. antiquity 古代,古老
It indicates the antiquity of the tradition.
20. Stone Age 石器时代
1. mathematics 数学
2. mathematician 数学家
3. arithmetic 算术
4. calculation 计算
5. calculator 计算器
6. abacus 算盘
7. numeral 数字
8. sum 和
9. total 【sum total】 总和,总数
10. aggregate 总计
11. fraction 分数,小数
12. decimal 十进位,【十进】小数
13. digit 数字,数位
14. percentage 百分比
15. addition 加法
16. plus 加上
17. subtraction 减法
18. minus 减去
19. multiplication 乘法
20. multiplication table 乘法表
. chemical property 化学特性,化学性质
2. chemical composition 【 makeup 】 化学成分
3. chemical agent 化学试剂
4. chemical reaction 化学反应
5. chemical change 化学变化
6. chemical bond 化学键
7. chemical apparatus 化学器械
8. substance 【matter; material】 物质
9. element 元素
10. periodic table 周期表
11. hydrogen 氢
12. oxygen 氧
13. nitrogen 氮
14. helium 氦
15. carbon 碳
16. calcium 钙
17. silicon 硅
18. sulfur 硫
19. iodine 碘
20. compound 化合物
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