发布时间:2022-05-13 18:15:10
Now listen to a conversation between two students.
【man】 Hey, Mary, how’s your volunteer work going? You’re still involved in that after-school program with the elementary kids?
【woman】 Yeah, but I’ve got a problem. I am supposed to be driving a bunch of them to the zoo tomorrow.
【man】 Yeah?
【woman】 And I was supposed to rent a van for the trip. But I waited too long to call the rental agency to reserve one.
【man】 Oh!
【woman】 Now it turns out they don’t have any vans available for tomorrow. I don’t know what to do? These kids will be really disappointed if their trip gets cancelled.
【man】 Hmmm, well, doesn’t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean, couldn’t you borrow it for the day?
【woman】 Yeah, probably, but I’d need to borrow two cars or there wouldn’t be enough space for all the kids.
【man】 Um, hum.
【woman】 That’s why I was going to rent the van. And then I’d need to find somebody else to drive, too. I can’t drive two cars by myself.
【man】 Yeah, that’s true. Well, I am sure you can probably find a volunteer or if you wanted to save yourself the trouble of hunting down a second driver, what about public transportation? Check the bus schedule, I think there’s a bus line that goes right past the zoo.
【woman】 Yeah, that’s a possibility, but I don’t know, it might be a real challenge supervising the kids on the bus.
【man】 Ha, ha…
【woman】 Sometimes they are a handful when they get excited. It’s an option, though.
The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem then state which solution you recommend and explain why.
TPO 51托福口语Task1听力题目
Talk about a social or political event that is celebrated in your country. Describe the event and explain how people in your country celebrate it. Use details and examples in your explanation.
TPO 51托福口语Task 1满分范文
Speaking of a social or political event that is celebrated in my country is an educational reform back in 1987. The reason why it is of great significance is that it truly opens a new door for lots of talents in all walks of life and they had the opportunity to acquire self-achievement since then. For instance, before 1987, all people in China were encouraged to learn Russian rather than English because at that time China maintained a closer tie with Soviet Union and the government wanted to put this relationship to the greatest extent. In this case, people who are proficient in English language didn’t have even the slightest chance to play their part. However, after 1987’s educational reform, the leaders put much emphasis on English because they wanted to establish a connection with those more advanced western countries. Under this circumstance, the English professionals had the chance to bring their advantage into full play and changed their fate ever since. In short, the 1987’s reform in education is the very big event that my country usually celebrates.
所谓经典五要素,是 WHO、 WHAT、 WHY、WHERE、HOW。"谁,在什么时间什么地点做了什么事情,理由是什么?"在考试中,遇到课堂对话和场景演讲,要在做笔记的时候将这些要素点记下来,然后在答题的时候将这些要素组织起来,就是一段逻辑性强、主题明确、结构完整的口语答案了。
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