发布时间:2022-05-13 18:19:51
托福口语六道题考完一共 20分钟左右。两道独立任务准备时间15秒,答题时间45秒;四道综合任务中,前两道准备时间30秒,答题时间60秒;
第一部分【1-2题】:准备时间15秒,答题时间45秒。如第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是托福口语时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的details或examples,考试时就会从容许多。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。
在进行表述时,最好是将主体分为三部分来,开题无需技巧,简单读题即可,把you都改成me,比起I think……开头,可以省去相对多的思维时间。内容一般找三个理由,为避免理由重复或累赘,建议就方便、经济、减压等常用理由进行练习,并结合不断问自己How 及Why 等问题来充实内容,完成example的部分。最后用连词进行连接,这里有个技巧,就使用first, also, finally,因为三到六题综合题中这三个词常成为提示词出现,在前两题中使用可对其有一定敏感度。
结合第一题,第二题内容分布完全相同,并且这两题对时间把握尤其重要,要求考生进行“掐表”练习,对45s 有感性认识,当一定练习后,口语部分的考试不再是考内容的,而是考时间的,因此在考试过程中掐时间角度有很多技巧可言,比如:当阐述内容结束时时间为38s或39s,则在最后可加句detail 或一句类似The person like me has no choice but to do sth.的长废话;当结束时时间为41s 或42s,则在最后可加一句短废话,如I find it’s cool.
如果在说完后,离perfect time 还是有3 秒钟,那么可以用装口吃或吞口水的考场技巧将时间掐到44s或45s。【实践证明装口吃或吞口水不扣分】最后是3到6题的综合题,由于会有听力和阅读,因此要求考生对信号词定位有所敏感,口语中涉及的技巧是即使不理解听力内容,但是结合简单的信号词如first, also, finally, but, yet, for the following reasons 等定位中心内容,遇到生疏单词、句子,记下读音,再完整地还给考官,一样得分。第三题听力内容中一男一女进行谈话,就他们对阅读内容的态度与否【支持还是反对】,不可以从语气上进行判断,要根据记录内容的回推去确认,以免犯错。
【1】用两三句话概括文章大意, 重点在听力段落的描述。
【2】阅读段落中有提到, 但没有在听力段落中提到的信息, 答题时可以不说。
【3】半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落, 引用概念即可。
【1】前半部分问题的描述尽量使用模版, 节约时间。
【2】前半部分陈述问题+描述方案时要做到条理清晰, 描述准确。
【3】描述个人倾向意见时不强求两条理由, 一条理由可以充分描述即可。
【2】两个例子或试验分别进行描述, 说完一个再说另一个。
【3】尽量不要遗漏重要信息, 并且不要张冠李戴。
The sport: golf
The reasons you chose the sports: - good exercise - have fun and relax - play to win
I recently took up golf because I though it might be a sport that would be fun and useful. So far, I have discovered that golf requires a lot of time and a lot of walking. This, however, adds to the fun and relaxation of a round of golf. Golf has also taught me to concentrate and to take many factors into account, such as wind and slope. Although I like to play to win,even if I don’t beat my partner, I know I have played well if I have improved my own score. I think by choosing golf I have found a good way to do business in the future as well as have fun learning it now
1.What is your favorite sport?
My favourite sport is basketball. I’ve been playing it regularly for nearly eight years.and I’m crazy about it .Basketball can be played by yourself or with other players. And it just needs a basketball stand and a ball,so It’s a very convenient game to play. In addition, It's a world-wide sport;many people play. It’s also an easy way to make friends in playing basketball.
2.Do you think sports help people to relax?
People release their pressure when doing sports. They can communicate with others in sports,It’s fantastic to find a person who shares same interest like you.
3.What are the common ways for the Chinese people to keep fit?
Well,in our country people of different ages have different ways to keep fit,Most elderly people like to do Taijiquan or perform Swordplay in the morning,and do a slow dance in the evening. But young people like to run on the treadmill or do other indoor sports which are in-troduced from western countries in fitness centers.
4.How important are sports in your life?
Sports are a very significant part of my life. Actually. I always spent at least two hours on sports everyday. I think sports can make us relax.keep us active and fit. You can meet new people when you play sports outside and have fun. For me*I wouldn’t be able to live without sports. I couldn’t imagine a world without sports!
5.How much time do you spend exercising?
Probably five or six hours a week. I know that will not make the Olympics at that rate,but then again sports is not my field.
6.Do you like to exercise daily?
No,I don’t. I’m awfully lazy. I know that I need to change this habit or I'm afraid it is going to come back and bite me in the butt.
7.Are there any good ways to lose weight?
Mentioning how to lose weight,I think the first and most effective way that jumps into my mind is doing regular exercise. Another good way I can think of is being on diet* but definitely not crash diet. It would be really pathetic for someone to be on crash diet of only tap water just for losing weight! And eating weight-losing medicine would be more miserable thing to do!
8.Do you think it is reasonable that sports stars earn a lot of money?
Many sportsmen have achieved great amount of wealth. As far as I am concerned, this phe-nomenon is not excessive or extreme because only those who have deeply devoted them-selves and made great efforts to their career can get the acknowledgement and being suppor-ted with wealth.
9.Do you believe that the sports a person likes could reflect his personality?
Yes, I think so. People who like participating in games are more competitive in personality. Some people like team sports. such as basketball. football,which require team spirit among team members. So people of this type are more cooperative in teamwork.
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