发布时间:2022-05-13 18:22:21
Task 4 的模板可以按照两种方式设计。第一种是从讲座入手,必要是加入阅读小段落的内容。第二种是从阅读小段落的内容入手,然后复述讲座内容并阐述讲座与阅读部分之间的关系。第一种方式操作难度较大,所以下面介绍第二种方式,即一般模板必须包含的内容:
1. 阅读时的总话题
2. 阅读总话题所包含的二之三个主要的特征或分类
3. 讲座的具体话题
4. 讲座的具体话题与阅读内容的联系【即讲座如何例证或应用阅读的内容】
The reading discuss ____. ____ means that ____. In other words, ____. The reading says ____. In addition, ____.
The professor talks about two examples of ____. One example is ____. ____. So ____ is an example of ____ because ____. The other example is ____. Like the reading said, ____. So ____ is an example of ____, too.
The professor discussed ____. One is ____, and the other is ____. According to the reading, one aspect of ____. The lecture says that ____. ____. Another characteristics of ____. The professor says that ____. ____. Thus, ____.
托福口语的Task 4 是总论/ 具体题,也叫概念/ 例子题 【concept / examples】,它涉及的步骤与 Task 3【见本公众号文章《托福口语突破 Week 3 | Task 3 解题技巧 & 高分模板》】 基本一样,二者的主要区别在于第四题涉及学术场景 【academic situation】,而Task 3 涉及校园场景。
Task 4包含三个步骤:
1. 阅读一个学术性的小段落【长度为75-100词,时间为40-45秒】
2. 听教授就该学术话题发表的演讲片段
3. 根据阅读部分与听力部分回答问题
Task 4 的准备与Task 3 的准备基本一样,重点依然是阅读小段落【回答问题时不会再出现在屏幕上】的笔记与讲座部分的笔记。做阅读小段落的笔记时,要注意下列方面:
1. 核心概念的名称
2. 核心概念的含义
3. 核心概念所包含的分类
Outsider Artists2006年12月8日托福考试口语 Task 4真题
Outsider Art is a term used to describe art that is made by people who choose to live and work outside society. The artists who produce this kind of art --- Outsider Art --- work in isolation from other artists and have little or no formal artistic training. Because they do not learn conventional artistic techniques from teachers or other artists, outsider artists must invent their own ways of doing things. As a result of the unconventional methods that outsider artists often use, their work can look strange and not at all like traditional art to the observer.
1. Outsider artists
2. Def 【=definition】: artist on edge of soc.
3. Identity. feature:
a. Live in small cir., iso. & hard to find ← live alone
b. Little formal train of tech. & skills
c. Approach unique ← no trad. art train.; work much dif. From soc. norm ← no touch with soc.
All right, let’s consider the work of the outsider artist --- Henry Darger. Darger lived by himself in a tiny apartment in Chicago in the 1900s. He had no friends and spent all his spare time alone creating hundreds of paintings and drawings. He had never formally studied painting and kept his painting completely private, so no one ever saw it or responded to it during his life time. So when you see Darger’s work, you notice how unique it is. Is doesn’t remind you of anything you ever seen before, it’s very much his own. For example, one piece --- it is a water color painting. In this piece he illustrates a story about the adventures of seven children. But see, Darger had a really hard time drawing human figures, yet he managed to come up with his own rather unique solution to the problem. He simply cut out pictures of children from newspapers and magazines, and pasted them into his own illustration of trees, lowers and grass. The result looks a little strange. Darger’s picture looks more cluttered, more crowed with details than pictures of other artists. Because its entire surface’s painted and there are no surfaces left empty. It’s also a bit longer than pictures of most artists, about none feet long.
1. Topic: an example of O.A. 【=outsider artists】 --- Darger Chica
2. Life: alone, no friend, painting → no one saw / response
3. Painting: unique
4. Watercolor p. 【=painting】 adven of 7 child
5. hard draw human flg, cut fr. mage / news & paste into this p.
6. strange ← more details, longer 【9 ft】
回答Task 4时,应该注意以下几点:
1. 务必指出阅读小段落与讲座之间的关系【指出是例证关系还是反驳关系】;
2. 必须兼顾阅读小段落的内容与讲座的内容【以讲座为主,但是必须提供阅读小段落的充分信息】;
3. 陈述学生的意见并阐述持此意见的两大理由【一般都是两大理由】;
4. 使用引用语言和表示阅读部分与听力部分关系的语言【给评分老师减轻负担】;
5. 不得发表自己的看法【只能总结、转述、综合阅读小段落与听力部分的内容】;
6. 直接对麦克风进行清楚的表达【一开始就调好麦克风的位置与音量】
7. 语速适中,不要太快或太慢【要表达清楚,不要求快---快不是流利的标志】;
8. 注意发音与语调【不要过于担心自己的口音,但要口齿清楚】;
9. 使用熟悉的词汇与结构【过于复杂的词汇与结构对考生与评分老师都是挑战】
Task 4 的语言主要涉及总分关系、定义描述、特征分类与应用等
1. 总分关系
1】 . 阅读小段落的话题
回答Task 4时需要首先交代阅读小段落的话题。例如,
A. The reading is about ...
B. The passage discusses ...
C. The reading gives an overall view of ...
2】 讲座的话题
A. The professor talks specifically about ....
B. The speaker gives two specific examples of ...
2. 定义描述
1. ...refers to ...
2. According to the reading, ...
3. 特征分类
1. According to the lecture, there are two types of ... One is ... The other is ...
2. There are three characteristics that ... The first one is ... The second characteristics is ... The third characteristics is ...
4. 应用
1. The reading says that ...
2. The professor says that ...
Behavior Modification
Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions. When an individual learns through experience that a certain behavior results in pleasant consequences, that behavior is likely to be repeated. An unpleasant consequence, on the other hand, discourages further repetition of the behavior. While behavior modification can be observed in experiments, it also occurs frequently in everyday settings, when individuals change their behavior based on what they have learned about the consequences of that behavior.
Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic in a Psychology class.
【male】 This happens all the time with kids in schools. Say there was a little boy or girl who’s just starting school. Well, they’re not really used to the rules about proper behaviors for classroom. So at the beginning they might, I don’t know, interrupt the teacher, walk around the classroom when they’re supposed to be sitting down. You know, just mis-behaving in general.
Ok, but, what happens? Well, the teacher gets angry with them when they act this way. They might get punished. They have to sit at their desks when everyone else is allowed to go outside and play. And they certainly don’t like that. Soon, they’ll learn that this kind of behavior gets them in trouble. They’ll also learn that when they raise their hand to talk to the teacher and sit quietly and pay attention during class, they are rewarded.
The teacher tells them she’s proud of them and maybe puts a little happy-face sticker on their homework. Now that their behavior gets a good reaction from the teacher, the kids learn to always act this way in class. And not behave the way they used to.
Using the example from the lecture, explain what behavior modification is and how it works.
Behavior modification is a phenomenon that individuals change their behaviors based on what they have learned about the consequences of certain behaviors. The professor uses an example to illustrate the phenomenon. In the example, at the beginning, the kids at school don’t know the rules of class. They may interrupt the teacher, walk around the classroom. The teacher gets angry with them, so the kids get published. They have to sit in the classroom when everyone else is playing outside. They don’t like this consequence. They know these behaviors get them in trouble. So they start to raise hand, sit quietly, and pay attention to the teacher. They get reward from doing so. The teacher may say that she is proud of them and maybe put happy face stickers on their homework. Now that their behaviors get good reactions from teacher, the kids learn to always act like this.
Explicit Memories and Implicit Memories
In everyday life, when people speak of memory, they are almost always speaking about what psychologists would call explicit memories. An explicit memory is a conscious or intentional recollection, usually of facts, names, events, or other things that a person can state or declare. There is another kind of memory that is not conscious. Memories of this kind are called implicit memories. An individual can have an experience that he or she cannot consciously recall yet still display reactions that indicate the experience has been somehow recorded in his or her brain.
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.
【male professor】 OK, um, the first kind of memory, we’re all very familiar with this, right? You probably remember what you had for dinner last night. You have a conscious memory of last night’s dinner so, um, if I ask you what did you eat last night, you could tell me.
But these other kinds of memories, implicit memories, they work differently. Let’s take an example from the world of advertising. When you are driving along a highway, you see plenty of billboards, you know, road side advertisements. You certainly don’t remember them all, but they still affect you. Marketing researchers have shown, well to be specific, let’s say there’s a billboard on the highway advertising, uh, a car called the Panther. The ad shows a big picture of the car and above the car, in huge letters, is the name of the car, Panther. A lot of people drive by the billboard, but ask those drivers later if they saw any advertisements for cars, and well, they’ll think about it and a lot of them will say no. They honestly don’t remember seeing any. They have no conscious memory of the Panther billboard.
So, you ask these same people a different question. You ask, um, OK, you ask them to name an animal starting with a letter P. What do you think they’ll answer? Do they say Pig? Pig is the most common animal that starts with the letter P. But they don’t say Pig. They say Panther! The billboard had an effect, even though the drivers don’t remember ever seeing it.
Using the example of the car advertisement, explain what is meant by implicit memory.
Explicit memories are conscious recollections whereas implicit memories are not conscious. But implicit memories still have effects on us. The professor in the lecture uses an example of billboard to explain implicit memory. There are many billboards along the highway and when drivers drive through, they see those billboards. They don’t remember all the billboards but the billboards affect them. Suppose there is a car advertisement with its name panther above its picture. A lot of drivers passed it by. Later, when asked whether they remember seeing any car advertisements, the drivers will say no because they honestly don’t remember. They don’t have conscious memory of the panther billboard. But if asked to name an animal starting with a letter "P", drivers will say "panther". So the car billboard had effect on them.
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