发布时间:2022-05-13 18:24:54
sentimental emotional
He's an excessively emotional person.
Emotionalism and self-delusion may cloud judgment.
adj. 情感的,情绪的;易动情的;易激动的;感动人的
emotional disturbance
She is an emotional woman.
She choked with emotion.
extravagant or affected feeling or emotion.
suffer an emotional disturbance
Many people were never taught how to express their emotions. Because they do not know how to express them, they wind up repressing their emotions instead. For people who have endured painful life situations, they can wind up engaging in
unhealthy behaviors to avoid expressing their emotions, such as performing self-injuries or developing eating disorders. Expressing emotions is the best way to release the pent up feelings. Here is how to express emotions.
1.Recognize the importance of expressing emotions. Unexpressed emotions affect your life. For example, many people who struggle with ongoing depression or anxiety are often actually angry. Because the unexpressed anger has nowhere to go,
the person experiences the emotion as depression or anxiety. If you want to take control over your emotional life, you need to first recognize that it is important to express your emotions.
2.Label your emotions appropriately. Many people who have never learned how to express their emotions have a difficult time even labeling what those emotions are. Some people might feel anger when the emotion that they are actually
dealing with is pain. Others might cry and feel sad in situations in which anger is really the more appropriate emotion. Practice labeling the emotion that you are actually having.
2. 识别出自己的情绪。很多从未学过表达情绪的人,连识别自己的情绪是什么都不能。有些人觉得自己在生气,但实际上TA的情绪是痛苦。有些人感到很悲伤并会哭泣,但那时TA的情绪用生气来描述要更合适一些。要练习识别自己当前的情绪。
3.Resolve to express your emotions as you have them. Emotions must be expressed. You can either express them as you have them or you can put a lot of energy into repressing them and just wind up having to deal with a more powerful
version of your emotions later. Decide that you are going to express your emotions as you experience them.
3. 当你有情绪时,要下定决心把情绪表达出来。情绪一定要表达出来。你可以一有情绪就把它们表达出来,也可以拿出很多精力来抑制它们,但这样不久后你就需要处理更强烈的情绪。所以你要做出决定,当你有情绪时就一定要表达出来。
4.Recognize that emotions are transient. If you will express your emotions as you have them, they will not last. While you might feel incredibly angry at one moment, your anger will pass as long as you express it. Only repressed emotions
linger for a very long time.
Meeting Affective Disorder is a form of boredom that occurs in relation to mandatory meetings, most commonly those centered around a presentation. Symptoms include difficulty in staying awake, and delirious hallucinations more commonly referred to as daydreams.
Guy 1: I think you have Meeting Affective Disorder, you should see a doctor.
Guy 2: Why do you think I have that?
Guy 1: The pool of drool on the table from your dozing off.
Our emotional world has a remarkable power to determine not only our mental health, but also how our physical well-being.
Here are five positive emotions that have been shown to improve physical health and prevent disease.
Optimism may protect the heart.
A growing body of research has suggested that cultivating this quality can have a protective effect on the heart. According to a 2012 review of literature, a number of studies have shown that people with optimistic personalities are at a
reduced risk of cardiovascular events. Optimism's benefits for physical health also extend beyond heart health. Here are a few other ways that a sunny disposition may improve health outcomes, including improved immune system function and
increased longevity.
Experiencing awe reduces inflammatory markers associated with autoimmune disease.
Research has shown that experiences of art, religion and philosophy are the most common experiences that evoke a sense of awe -- that sense of wonder and connection to something larger than ourselves.
According to new research from the University of California at Berkeley, awe is not only pleasurable but also enormously beneficial for one's physical and mental health. The Berkeley study found that those who had recently experienced
awe had lower levels of cytokines, inflammatory markers that, in chronically high levels, have been implicated in the development of autoimmune diseases, as well as other health problems including heart disease, Alzheimer's and
depression. This suggests that awe promotes healthier levels of cytokines and may prevent disease.
Compassion and care for others can improve vagus nerve function.
Positive psychologist Barbara Frederickson has conducted research on the effects of lovingkindness meditation 【LKM】, a traditional Buddhist practice that involves meditating on love and extending compassion to oneself and a progressively
large group of others. Frederickson found just six weeks of LKM training to have a positive impact on the vagus nerve, which extends from the brain stem to the heart, helping to regulate emotions as well as bodily systems including the
cardiovascular and digestive systems.
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