发布时间:2022-05-16 10:49:54(一)在写作过程中考虑读者的理解
The subroutine contains the logical member name and member type.
这里作者可能想表达:子程序包含the logical member name和the logicalmember type。但是读者可能认为logical并不修辞后面的member type。因此读者可能解解为:子程序包含the logical member name和the member type.除非读者对此方面非常了解,否则大多数人都会曲解作者的意思,更复杂的例子建议读者参考〔3〕.
“It goes without saying that we are acquainted with your policy on filingtax returns, and we have every intention of complying with the regulationsthat you have mentioned.”
这个句子的意思是:我们打算遵守你说的退税政策。去掉”it goes without sayingthat”并不影响整个句子的意思,简洁的表达成:" We intend to comply with thetax-return regulations that you have mentioned"。既节省了读者的时间,又使句子变得清晰明了。
Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have beenraised by scientists exploring the nature of black holes in space. Thecollapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble creates ablack hole. So much matter compressed into so little volume changes the fabricof space around it in profoundly puzzling ways.
这里“The collapse of a dead star”是引入的新概念,读者觉得句子前后不连贯。为此可以将中间的语句改为“A black hole is created by the collapse of a deadstar into a point perhaps no larger than a marble.”这样整段话更连贯且易理解。另一种失去连贯性的可能是把要陈述的内容放在句子的中心,使读者忽略到重要的内容。具体例子可以参考。
The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which links between Qinghai and Tibet andcrosses about 550km permafrost stratum, breaks the transportation bottleneckholding back the economic and social development of Tibet
这段句子看起来语法用的很到位,但是读起来却很吃力,在读完“the Qinghai-Tibet Railway”后需要憋一口气读过12个单词后才发现谓语breaks,很可能使得读者读完插入从句后都忘记了主语。从语言学上讲,读者先读主语然后寻找谓语,如果读了很长一句才找到谓语,那么读者可能己经忘了主语是什么了。因此,在写作中主语尽量离谓语近一些。上面的句子按此方法可改如下:
The Qinghai-Tibet Railway links between Qinghai and Tibet and crossesabout 550km permafrost stratum. It breaks the transportation bottleneckholding back the economic and social development of Tibet.
Long sentences are problematic in writing because, even if they arepunctuated properly, they can be hard to read since readers often want a pause,and writers need to be aware of this and consider the effect that any writinghas on the reader.
Long sentences are problematic in writing. This is true even if they arepunctuated properly since they can be hard to understand for readers, whooften want a pause while reading. Writers need to be aware of this andconsider the effect that any writing has on the reader.
The influences of a white roof on the energy usage of the building and onthe urban thermal environment are discussed.
这个句子是一个典型的被动句子。按照2. 6的阐述中可知该句子主语离谓语太远。造成这个问题的根本原因是被动语态改变了句子的常态。按照常态应该“the authorsdiscuss",而不是“the influences…are discussed"。这个句子可以改成主动语态,这个时间需要引入非人的作者一“this paper".修改如下:
This paper discusses the influences of a white roof on the energy usage ofthe building and on the urban thermal environment.
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