
发布时间:2020-12-31 18:36:08





1. 不及物动词:不能直接跟宾语,常须加了介词后方能加宾语.   如:look at (for, after), get to (on), operate on, hear of, hear from, point to (at), worry about, knock at, play with, think about等. 2. 及物动词:后面必须跟宾语,意义才完整.   在及物动词 + 副词构成动副搭配时,代词放中间这一点同学们常易忘记,故应特别加以记忆.   如:turn on (√) turn on the radio (√) turn the radio on (√) turn on it (×) turn it on (√)   常见的动副搭配的词组有:put on, pick up, look up, wake up, try on, write down, move away, take away等. 3. 注意行为动词的几种变化形式:   原形 enjoy  第三人称单数 enjoys  过去式 enjoyed  过去分词 enjoyed  现在分词 enjoying  过去式,过去分词,同学们须熟记初中所学的不规则动词变化表.   现在分词的变化方法,一般是直接在动词后加ing,有几个特殊的可加以记忆:lie-lying, die-dying.   要双写的单词有:   一个m (swim-swimming)  一个g (dig-digging)  三个n (run-running, win-winning, begin-beginning)  三个p (stop-stopping, shop-shopping, drop-dropping)  还有六个t (sit-sitting, hit-hitting, get-getting, let-letting, put-putting, forget-forgetting)  同学们特别应注意forget, begin这种双音节单词.   另外,eat, wait这两个词不是重读闭音节,故不能双写加ing,这也是同学们易犯的错误. 4. 请区别几组易混淆的同义动词: 第一组:look-see-watch-read  look 看 look at the bird   see 看见 see a film   watch 观看、注视 watch TV, watch a football match  read 读,阅读 read a book, read newspapers第二组:say-speak-talk-tell  say 说(不及物动词)①say to sb. , (后跟引语) ②say it again (后常跟it)  speak 讲,发言(不及物动词)①speak at the meeting ②learn to speak ③speak English  talk 谈话(不及物动词)①talk about sth.(谈论某事) ②talk with sb.(和某人交谈)  tell 告诉,讲(及物动词)   ①tell sb. to do sth. / tell sb. not to do sth  ②tell sb. about sth. (后常跟某人)   ③tell the time “报时”/ tell a story “讲故事” 第三组:borrow-lend  borrow 借进(短暂动词)   ①borrow sth. (借某物) ②borrow sth. from sb. (向某人借某物)   如May I borrow your bike? Mine is broken.   lend 借出(短暂动词)lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.(把某物借给某人)   如:You mustn't lend it to others.   keep 借(一段时间),常与一段时间的时间状语连用,为延续性动词.   如:How long may I keep it? 第四组:bring-take  bring 带来(表示从远处拿到说话的地点来),常与here, me 搭配   如:Please bring my hat to me tomorrow.   take 带走(表示从说话地点拿到远处去),常与there, away搭配   如:Take your raincoat with you. It's going to rain.第五组:listen-hear  listen 听 不及物,常与介词to连用   如:I listened carefully, but heard nothing.  hear 听到 及物 后直接跟宾语   hear from sb 收到某人的来信   如:Jim's mother haven't heard from him for a long time.  hear of 听说   如:Have you heard of the news?第六组 look for-find-find out  look for 寻找 (强调动作)   find 找到 发现(强调结果)   如:We looked for him everywhere but didn't find him.  find out 查明(通过调查研究找到事实的真相)   如:Can you find out who broke the window? 第七组:put on-wear-dress  put on 穿上(强调动作)   如:It's cold outside. Please put on your coat.   wear 穿着(强调状态)   如:Lucy is wearing a blue sweater today.   dress 打扮,给...穿衣服   ①dress sb. / oneself 给某人(或自己)穿衣   ②get dressed 穿好衣服   ③dress up 打扮,穿上盛装   如:She often dresses up in a red skirt. 第八组:forget-leave  forget 忘了某物   如:I forgot to tell you about it.  leave 把某物忘在某地   如:Kate left her key to her room at home.5. 有些及物动词后可以跟双宾语即直接宾语(表物)和间接宾语(表人),间接宾语通常位于直接宾语之前,若颠倒两者的位置,则通常在间接宾语前加一个介词(to或for).   draw sth. for sb. pass sth. to sb.  make sth. for sb. give sth. to sb.  mend sth. for sb. lend sth. to sb.  buy sth. for sb. show sth. to sb.  get sth. for sb. bring sth. to sb.  cook sth. for sb. take sth. to sb.  keep sth. for sb. write sth. to sb.  return sth. for sb. send sth. to sb.



1. Baby:婴儿、宝宝;同时它还是一个有趣的动词。


His pediatrician didn’t find any damage, but he is still babying it. 他的医生说他没有受伤,但他用脚的时候很小心。


2. work:工作


The time of the party won’t work for me. 你的聚会时间对我不合适。

3. run:跑步


It requires a lot of hard work to run a company. 管理一家公司是很辛苦的。

It’s time to run our laundry machine; it’s full. 洗衣机满了,我们该打开洗衣机(洗一波衣服)了。

4. sleep:睡觉


This cozy hotel room comfortably sleeps 8. 这个温馨的酒店房间睡8个人足足有余。

5. word单词


I worded my concern about the rain. 我表达了对雨天的担忧。

6. eavesdrop:偷听


I pretended to get something from my daughter’s room just to eavesdrop on her phone conversation. 我假装去女儿的房间取东西,其实是偷听她打电话。

7. rolling my eyes:翻白眼(华妃最擅长的)


My husband promised not to play video games anymore, and I only responded with a rolling of my eyes. 我老公说他再也不玩游戏了,我只回应他一个大白眼。

8. snowball:雪球


Due to his lack of business experience, his company’s debt snowballed. 因为他缺少商业经验,他公司的债务越积越深。

The antirape campaign in India snowballed after another victim was found dead. 当又一位受害者的尸体被发现后,印度的反强奸游行全面升级。

9. picture:图画


I can picture my son’s face when he opens his present tomorrow. 我能脑补出儿子明天打开礼物时惊喜的表情。

10. manipulate:控制 / 摆布


Don’t worry. She won’t really kill herself. She’s just manipulating you. 别担心,她不会自杀的,她只是在玩弄你。







